Be More Human | Gray Matters
Study after study has established that physical activity contributes to mental strength and fortitude. This experience was designed to bring this to life, and show some of the more impactful findings in an easy to digest way.

Be More Human | Human Score
Here it is. The Human Score. A single test designed to quantify your human-ness. A bold and absurd objective, indeed (one only a bunch of curious, forward-thinking humans would endeavor to create).

Be More Human | Badges of Honor
We are not perfect, regardless of how much we try. We struggle, we break, we bleed. This is all part of the journey. It is proof that we are pushing hard. Proof that we improving. Our ugly post-workout flushed and sweaty faces are points of pride. Our bleeding cracked skin is evidence of the effort we are putting in.
Badges of Honor was a gallery aggregated from our hash tag #BadgesOfHonor, full of people showing off their ugly post workout scrapes, bruises, cuts, and general ugly with pride.